Resource Person: Br. Dennis Magbanua FSC, Former Benilde President
Inclusion and innovation are two words that are close to the hearts of every Benildean. In fact, it is in their DNA since the beginning, as stated by Br. Dennis Magbanua FSC.
Starting as a night school for working individuals who wanted to continue with their education, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde (Benilde) established innovative programs to include those who are marginalized.

In 1991, Benilde created the School of Deaf Education and Applied Studies (SDEAS) to give quality education for individuals who are part of the Deaf Community. As the student-body was growing, they saw the need for those who are lagging behind their studies to have remedial classes. That is why in 2003, the Student Learning Center (SLC), a platform for academic scholars to tutor other students, was established.
To expand its services for other sectors who are marginalized, Benilde established the Saint Brother Jaime Hilario Institute (SBJHI). Formerly known as NOVA Foundation, this unit provides training for Persons With Disabilities to empower them in their careers.
School of Deaf Education and Applied Studies Logo.
In 2015, Benilde addressed the concerns of students with learning needs by establishing the Center for Inclusive Education (CIE). This center provides services and support for those with conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and the like. And finally, to extend its services for the Deaf Community who are not yet in college, Benilde opened the Benilde Deaf School (BDS) in 2018.

Members of the Center for Inclusive Education in 2019. R-L: Mr. Martin Romero, Ms. Lany Jove, Ms. Nicky Templo-Perez, Mr. Jeremiah Adriano, Ms. Nica Mombay. Missing: Mr. Cliff Chua and Ms. Camille Milioga (Joined CIE in 2020).
Both concepts were formalized as part of the College’s identity in its Vision-Mission that was launched in 2013.
“De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde is committed to building a just and humane society by being at the forefront of innovative education that is accessible to the poor and diversely-gifted learners.” Vision-Mission, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, 2013.
Inclusion and innovation serves as the guiding principles of the College. Through collaboration between its different units, Benilde continues its efforts to achieve their goal of building a just and humane society - especially for those who are marginalized. As Br. Dennis stated, he “hope[s] that [everyone] will continue to strive to become an encouragement for someone who seems to be last, a help for someone who has the least, and a light for someone who is lost.”
This article was written for the unpublished 2019 BeIncluded Magazine by the Center for Inclusive Education.